Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DAGOBA Organic Chocolate.

For all you chocolate lovers out there, here's a yummy treat. Those of you who don't know, I LOVE chocolate and can't seem to get enough of it. Because of my intense love for chocolate I am trying to be more conscious about other aspects besides how amazingly wonderful it tastes. For example, I mostly love milk chocolate and haven't really cared much for dark. Dark chocolate however, has a higher percentage of cacao.

According to Wikipedia, "Chocolate and cocoa contain a high level of flavonoids, specifically epicatechin, which may have beneficial cardiovascular effects on health."

"Prolonged intake of flavonol-rich cocoa has been linked to cardiovascular health benefits, though it should be noted that this refers to raw cocoa and to a lesser extent, dark chocolate, since flavonoids degrade during cooking and alkalizing processes. Studies have found short term benefits in LDL cholesterol levels from dark chocolate consumption. The addition of whole milk to milk chocolate reduces the overall cocoa content per ounce while increasing saturated fat levels, possibly negating some of cocoa's heart-healthy potential benefits."

My mom loves dark chocolate and I remember how she would sometimes carry a dark chocolate Dagoba bar in her purse and pull it out whenever time called for it. I was thinking about this yesterday as I was heading to the health food store and decided I would like to follow in her steps and keep a bar of dark chocolate in my purse. I've had a few pieces and I'm starting to appreciate the flavor.
For more information on DAGOBA organic chocolate, check out their website! http://www.dagobachocolate.com/

And here's a little artwork I did to show my appreciation for chocolate. (There's a bit of a glare on the paint). They're hanging above our kitchen. :)

Thanks mom, for giving me a love for CHOCOLATE. :)


  1. I think I did a good job helping you to get your priorities straight! CHOCOLATE LOVE!!!

  2. By the way, I'm lovin' your awesome playlist.

  3. Glad you're learning about the value of dark over milk. It's difficult to understand, but any dairy just negates the good stuff, so if we eat milk chocolate we're really not getting anything good for us. Just the sugar, which isn't that great for us. Have you heard of Amberlyn chocolate? It's my latest craze...
    www.AmberLynChocolates.com (go in and read about it) they sweeten with
    maltitol, and it's better for your bod than sugar. The only drawback is if you eat a lot of maltitol it can act as a laxative, but just a little in chocolate is shhhhhhgreat. Love, Gr
