Saturday, May 15, 2010

The health of America

Have any of you heard of the book The Crazy Makers by Carol Simontacchi? Well my grandma Slade had it on a night stand at her house when we visited her last summer and Taylor picked it up and started reading bits of it to me. Later we ordered our own copy and I'm just now reading it. I'm only at the beginning but let me just tell you, it is fascinating. It's all about how the food industry in America and the diet of America are slowly ruining the health of our brains. We are becoming more aware of what bad diet is doing to our bodies but have we really thought about what all of the chemicals, additives and just poor diet are doing to our minds? The first chapter labeled Our Food and Suffering talks about the increase in mental illnesses among the new generations and why this is so. Below are a few quotes I added from the book.

"Over the past century, the American food culture has gone through a transformation so pervasive and enormous that we have almost completely lost sight of what constitutes a normal diet. In our quest for convenience and shift in culture and priorities, we have pushed aside the notion that the purpose of eating is to provide energy for our day-to-day activities and to maintain the structure of our changing bodies and brains."

"Until the past few decades (since man started tampering with the food supply), we ate what nature provided, grew healthy brains, and never gave it another thought."

"Our new foods, however, are altering the ability of our brains to think. They are altering both the structure and function of our physical brains, leaving us less able to cope with stress and more susceptible to the forms of mental illness..."
Just like the explosion of physical illness, mental illness is becoming a plague of its own, all because of the chemicals we consume daily with the normal "American diet." As our bodies are polluted and become sick so do our minds, affecting the way we think, feel and perceive life. I know from personal experience and I'm sure that most people have felt the difference between how they feel when they are making a conscious effort to eat fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains. Just interesting! Stay tuned, I'll post more about the book after I read some more. :)


  1. That is quite scary! But it's good to be aware of these things. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I totally agree. We think it's just logical to have physical illness when we don't eat right, but people don't think about mental illness being connected to it all too. Our brains are part of our physical health! I wish I had all the time in the world to just have my own organic garden--and animals fed organically with no hormones, anti-biotics and pesticides thrown into the mix! Maybe someday we'll be forced into it. Won't that be nice? :) I'm now on a quest here in Ukraine to fine organic, non-hormone filled milk. I think the only way we can get it is from the little babushkas in the small towns out in the countryside.

  3. I would also recommend the most amazing book, "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. It's amazing, simple to understand, and is backed up by all the scientific data. My second quest is to follow all he says to do. It's really just Word of Wisdom! (And he's not LDS)

  4. Ooh yes! Did I tell you I ordered that one too? I just haven't read it yet but I will get to it eventually.

  5. Thanks for sharing! I need to get these books, too. Have you heard of "Empty Harvest"? My mom's told me to read it several times and I've forgotten the last few times I went to the library... but it's also extremely informative. Love you!

  6. Yay, Kenz-Tay, I love it. My latest "kick" is
    GMO foods. They are growing in our country (pun). They are definitely a threat to us. Europe bans them, but no, not America. There's a Dr. Jeffrey Smith who really works hard on fighting this menace and you can learn more at and also - this last one helps to guide us into what to look for when shopping. Unfortunately, U.S. still does not require labeling for GMOs. But some companies do it voluntarily. (good to shop at Whole Foods, etc) These are the products that are most likely to be affected: Soy, corn, cottonseed oil, canola, sugar from sugar beets, papaya from Hawaii, some zucchini, crookneck squash. I heard they're (Monsanto, etc) trying to get wheat GMO'd also.
    "GMOs are the result of laboratory processes which artificially insert foreign genes into the DNA of food crops or animals." According to Dr. Smith, the lab tests on mice, hamsters, etc., don't show much change until the 3rd generation, then they start showing infertility and other bad things.
    CRAZYMAKERS doesn't go into it too much, just
    p. 129 a little, maybe Breena's EMPTY HARVEST does, I haven't read it yet.
    Anyway, I believe this comes under "In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days..."
    The greatest thing is to grow your own food, and I'm so proud of you wonderful kids.
    (sorry to be so fanatical, you got me goin')
    love you, Gr
    p.s. one of the things (I'm still learning about this stuff) is that not only do they genetically alter our seeds, but they also use herbicides, pesticides, in the process.

  7. Here in Ukraine, GMOs are outlawed. Everything has a "bez GMO" label on it, which means no GMOs--but I heard also, that there's no guarantee either, because the "foodwatching" here is really loose. So, who knows!? I also think that the only way to really know what you're getting is to grow your own food. The prophets have all asked us to do this--I wonder why!
