Friday, May 28, 2010

New Motivation

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday and my hubby and his family surprised me with gifts to boost my motivation to exercise. I'd been wanting running stuff for who knows how long but it's just one of those things where I have a hard time spending the money for. Finally I have actual RUNNING clothes and will no longer have to run in holey scrubs and other old things. They're the activewear brand Lucy and super nice.

I also got a really nice ipod holder that goes on my arm, AND the Nike+ SportBand, which is the chip that goes in the shoe and the watch/band that goes on the wrist. It'll track how far I've gone, how many calories I've burned, etc. I've wanted that for a long time too.

And on top of that my amazing husband bought me brand new really awesome Nike running shoes, which are so much better than I had. The Nike LunarElite+. Happiness.

What a fun surprise it was! I was always mentioning to Taylor how bad I needed real running clothes. He and the family sure went the extra mile! Thank you Taylor, Mom (and Dad, Morg, and Slade), Tammy, Galen, Jonathan, Adam, Hannah, Thomas and Mercedes! I love you guys! And I can't wait to work out!

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